Saturday, April 14, 2007

Day 6 April 14 Saturday


4 omega 3 eggs
5 pieces bacon
black coffee

4 oz. ham
20 blueberries

Late Night:
10 beers
unknown number of Jack and Cokes

EXERCISE: Walk 1 1/2 hours

WEIGHT: 308 down from 309
I have this program on my palm called "eat watch". It's cool, because you enter your weights in there, and it averages them out and does a "moving average". Basically it curves your weight and smoothes out the line. Gives you a better sense of what't going on. It shows a continuous drop because even though the last few days weight have been close, every day at the lower weight shows a real change from a few days ago, since my weight is staying at the new level. I wish I could run two copies of it, or find something similar to run on my desktop to track my blood sugar too.

BLOOD SUGAR: 138 UP from 118 (breading on chicken yesterday?)

Took it easy most of day. Did some walking. Talked to J. on the phone, and that didn't go so well, but at least I called and didn't procrastinate. Hung out with friends, saw a movie, and then went out drinking. Not very paleo, I know. I was hung over like crazy the next day. I also probably should have eaten more before I went out, but I didn't know there would be so much drinking. I puked late at night. :(

MOOD: Okay I guess.

Slept well last night. Feel alert today.

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