Thursday, April 12, 2007

Day 4 April 12 Thurday


Sausage patty and egg -McDonalds sausage mcgriddle- tossed out the bread and cheese,
black coffee

2 cans diet pepsi
Mongolian beef- no rice (not sure if bean sprouts are in there, and if they are legumes)

Early Dinner:
Teriyaki beef strips
diet pepsi

Late Dinner:
Chicken in olive oil and garlic
salad with vinagrette
cole slaw
diet coke

Walk 50 minutes

WEIGHT: 308 down from 309

BLOOD SUGAR: 118 up from 111

Tough getting up, but made it to work on time. I was up late last night. I'm too late tonight also. Running late meant I had fast food breakfast. I didn't have Grains, but am sure the cooking oil was not good- possibly trans fats from McDonalds.
Not sure what kind of sauce in chinese food. Possibly wheat gluten, used as a thickener. Gluten is bad. I'm not celiac or anything, but my big goal here is to limit non paleo food strictly, and see what happens, how I feel and how my body reacts. I don't want any leaks, so that later I wonder if those leaks changed the results of my experiment.

Average I guess. Not down or anything.

A little more animated at work. Pretty good considering sleep deficit I guess.

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