Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 141 Monday August 27


bacon and eggs

teriyaki beef
sesame chicken
2 diet cokes

4 garlic breads
1 liter RC

SLEEP: 9 hours?

Day before my birthday. Went carb crazy. Reading some interesting articles about intermittant fasting. Not sure if it would throw off my hunger control. The thought of running out of money, or at least trying really fucking hard not to spend any, has made me eat more carbs lately. Also the birthday. And also a feeling of it's ok to cheat since I'm already cheating. And some frustration with ADD stuff, like the changes I've made haven't helped. On that front, the jury's still out. Reading some good stuff on how ADD, and lack of dopamine, makes you overeat more. So it's an affect, not the cause. But I'm still not sure. Haven't gotten rid of all my fat. Also need to kick up the exercise. Exercise increases dopamine and insulin resistance. Takes a while to make these changes. The physical changes have definately been there. One more day until my birthday, and then I'll get back on track. Maybe I should try the intermittent fasting, at least for now, just to see what happens? Get me back into blogging, to describe the affects. Break up this carb routine I've gotten in. Keep things interesting. I'm broke anyway- might save money? I like what people say about making it easier to turn down a meal. Like sometimes the only options are a carb heavy meal, so I eat it. I could have the option of just not eating, skipping a meal. It makes sense from a paleo perspective I guess- how could you guarantee 3 meals a day in the wild? People go from cradle to grave and never miss a meal.

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