Sunday, September 30, 2007

Day 175 Sunday September 30


1 lb rib meat no sauce
2 lg coffees

3 burgers, 2 with cheese (no bread)
and ketchup
diet pop
1 1/2 pork chops with bbq sauce

lots of chocolate cake

sesame chicken
teriyaki beef
(too full, but forced myself to eat this "treat", because I'm going to get stricter in my diet tomorrow. Stupid diet mentality)

SLEEP 9 hours?

Hang with friends. Nice time. Spent time in woods. Meditated for 5 minutes. Want to start meditating, and I certainly did that. Nice to be outside.

I always find myself in the woods, trying to relax and get a "green dose", and all I do is obsess on chores. Sometimes I realize that all my chores are stupid. Most are things I could do, only a few are vital, and they aren't done because they're paperwork and I could probably do all of them in a few days if I had more motivation and money (bills are a chore category that stumps me duet to lack of funds sometimes. You need money to get stuff done. Without money many chores can't possibly get done anyway.)

None of these chores are really goals, or real projects. Things I want to achieve. Things that I want to do, or have a good payoff I can visualize. Just stuff I could do, or stuff I should do. Nothing I want to do. Chore mentality. When it comes to what I want to do I can't decide, and don't have drive. Well, sun's going down, time to leave the woods, with nothing settled. Too bad I couldn't just enjoy the trip to the woods in its own right. It was a venue to solve problems I didn't solve anyway.


Okay day, still, anyway. Stayed up too late though.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day 170 Tuesday September 25

FOOD bacon and eggs

No lunch

5 ounces of liver
2 cups of baked beans
Seven crackers, some cheese and salami

CAFFEINE 8 cups coffee, with heavy whipping cream
EXERCISE walk for 1 hour

So, today wasn't such a bad day really. I was pretty busy at work but at least now I know what's going on and I'm starting to get things rolling. mood was fairly good. I'm sure that eating fewer carbohydrates yesterday has made an improvement in my mood today. Actually, I didn't eat anything yesterday at all and I felt pretty good. I found another bottle of ketostix today. So I did it yesterday and had no ketones at all last night. I had a lot of carbohydrates on Sunday, so that's why.

I was busy all day today, but, when it's busy at least I know what I should be doing and although it's frustrating at times I feel more productive. I'm not sitting there thinking of projects I could be doing and be unable to decide which one to start. I've said it before, but it seems as that when I'm under the gun the adrenaline makes it easier for me to decide what I should be doing, and to get started on doing it. I guess that's why I always end up procrastinating on things until the very last minute when it becomes a crisis and then I become motivated to actually do it. Sometimes that really pisses me off.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 169 Monday September 24th


I didn't eat anything today. I had a lot of carbs yesterday.

CAFFEINE two super large coffees, coffee lunch
SLEEP about 9 hours I think
KETONES none at all

Pretty crazy. I had so many carbs yesterday even though I didn't eat anything today, when I did the ketostix I had a negative result.

I was in an OK mood today. Busy day, started with my new department, but getting enough sleep, and low carbing, really seem to help.

Also, today in the morning I took a phentermine tablet. It's an energy booster for sure.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

BAAD rating scale for ADD


Found this on Dr-Bob message board. rating scale is from Dr. Thomas E. Brown, who has a site at


(Note: in this report the term ADD-H is used to signify "Attention Deficit Disorder WITHOUT Hyperactivity")

The AAD (Attention Activation Disorder) construct includes problems in the following areas:

Activating and organizing to work
Sustaining attention and concentration
Sustaining energy and effort
Irritability, depressed mood, rejection sensitivity Activating recall of aims and learned information

"Bright children and adolescents who suffer from attention deficit disorder are at a special risk of having their ADD problems go unrecognized and untreated. Within a pattern of under-achievement, their natural intellectual abilities produce intermittent successes which can mask ADD problems, especially if the person is not hyperactive. This study involved a population of high-IQ children, adolescents, and adults who were underachieving and had symptoms of ADD-H.

Research by Lahey et al. (1988) has shown that Attention Deficit Disorder is not unidimensional and that a subgroup of ADD patients exhibits a pattern of inattention and sluggish tempo WITHOUT hyperactivity. Barkley (1990) has demonstrated that this subgroup also shows less aggression, impulsivity, and overactivity at home and at school, and more of a problem with memory, perceptual-motor speed, and central processing speed. Barkley has suggested that the symptoms of ADD-H are sufficiently different from those of ADHD to warrant considering these as two separate and unique disorders, rather than as subtypes of a single attention disturbance."


- Has difficulty getting started on tasks; e.g., homework,
- Feels overwhelmed; e.g., "No way I can do this now" by tasks
which should be managable.
- When first presented with many things to do, has difficulty
deciding which to do first and then getting started.
- Procrastinates excessively; keeps putting things off.
- Slow to react or get started; sluggish, slow moving, doesn't
just jump into things.
- Excessively perfectionist; has to get things "just so." - Sleeps very soundly; hard to wake up in the morning.
- Appears apathetic or unmotivated.
- Misunderstands directions for assignments or tasks.


- When trying to pay attention to someone, e.g., class or
conversation, mind drifts off and briefly loses focus.
- Involuntary "spacing out" occurs intermittently when reading
or listening.
- Easily sidetracked; disrupts a task in progress and switches
to doing something else without any reason.
- When reading, loses track of what has just been read, so needs
to read it again.
- Easily loses track of the main point in reading books,
magazines, and newspapers.
- Gets lost in daydreaming, preoccupied with own thoughts.
- Easily distracted from a task by background noise or activities;
needs to check out whatever else is going on.
- Stares into space; seems "out of it." - Does not appear to be listening even when it is important
to do so.


- Feels sleepy or fatigued, even after having had adequate sleep.
- Unable to complete assignments or tests in allotted time; needs
extra time to finish adequately.
- Criticized by others as being "lazy." - Inconsistent quality of work; performance quite variable; e.g.,
high grades mixed with low grades for no apparent reason.
- Criticized by others for "not working up to potential." - Energy tends to fade quickly; "runs out of steam." - Needs to be reminded by others; e.g, teachers, to get started or
to keep working on assigned tasks.
- Starts tasks; e.g., homework assignments, chores, etc., but
doesn't finish them completely.


- Easily irritated
- Sensitive to criticism from others. Feels it deeply or for a
long time, or gets overly defensive.
- Usually "laid back" in dealing with others but has outbursts
of intense anger.
- Has difficulty expressing anger appropriately to others.
- Mood is discouraged, depressed, "down." - Tends to be a loner among peers; keeps to self socially.
- Appears apathetic or unmotivated.


- Information learned well on one day cannot be recalled easily
when it is wanted; e.g., knows material well on night before
test, but cannot recall it adequately for the next day.
- "Freezes" when taking tests or exams; for a while is unable to
get organized and begin.
- Forgets things which were intended to be done; e.g., turn off
appliances, return phone calls, keep appointments, do
assignments, etc.
- Has difficulty memorizing; e.g., vocabulary, math facts,
names, dates, etc.

-------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Yale University
P.O. Box 6694
Hamden, CT 06517

Day 168 Sunday September 23


Bacon and eggs

5 ounces salmon

One whole chicken

Football with friends
Eight mini cupcakes
A little salami
1 l of diet Pepsi
Seven barbecued chicken wings
Four crackers

CAFFEINE eight cups of coffee
SLEEP 10, maybe 11 hours

Well, not a good day I guess. I was not very productive today at all. Yesterday I at least felt as if I was trying to get some things down and I spent time looking at my list of things I should be doing and I even did a few of them. Today, however I wasn't even really trying to get things done. The only things I did today were laundry at the last possible minute, and I had a few friends over to watch football today. It was nice to visit with my friends, but I ended up eating a lot of junk food. My friend let me a microphone and and headset that he received with the via voice software. I thought it would improve my voice recognition usage, however it seems to be even worse then the microphone on my computer monitor already is.

Days like today are very discouraging to me. I don't really have much motivation to do things. If I was just lazy, I would have enjoyed myself today. I could have gone to the lake or walked two blocks down to the carnival. Instead, I spent my day surfing the Internet and wasting time. It would be one thing if I just decided to relax on a Sunday and enjoy myself, but I spent the whole day beating myself up for things I should be doing but was not doing, both fun things and chores. I have been reading Sari Solden's book on women with ADD. She has a list of symptoms to test yourself to see if you have ADD, and it's very good. I should put that in a post here, because this last really described how my weekend has gone.

It seems like it wasn't that long ago that I was feeling much more productive and aware and I'm not sure what's happened. I know I haven't been as good with the diet and I made the comment about the diet pop creeping in more and more. I wonder if getting out of the exercise habit has been part of the problem. I was walking pretty much every day but once things got busy at work three weeks ago I stopped. I also haven't been getting as much sun. Today, for instance, was a nice sunny day and I should have been outside but I wasn't I was inside surfing the web all day, and that is bad for my mood.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day 167 Saturday September 22

Fasting in the AM

Southwest salad from McDonald's
This contained a few fritos, a slightly sweet sauce, a tiny amount of corn and beans and a little chicken.
Two large coffees
I was supposed to fast, but I had a headache again.

One pound of line caught tuna

CAFFEINE two large coffees
SLEEP I had a headache, and I went to sleep early. I woke up early on Sunday as a result.
SUN 20 minutes each side

I woke up around 10 I guess and spent a little bit of time planning things I should do. I did get out of the house at noon and went to get some sun. I have that mild headache return that I've had on Friday as well, and so I ended up breaking my fast early. Sometimes I associate headaches with the need for carbohydrates, or a need for caffeine so I ended up having both.

I went and bought more grass fed beef, and then came home and still had a headache so I took a nap. I never really got up until 9:00 PM, so I decided to stay in bed and get up early on Sunday.

I spend so much time looking at my list of tasks, and all I got done this weekend and was laying in the sun for 30 minutes, doing some grocery shopping, doing laundry, doing dishes, and surfing the Internet.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 166 Friday September 21st

Bacon and eggs

A few tater tots
A few peas

Fasting in the PM

CAFFEINE about 6 cups of coffee
SLEEP 9 hours

Today it was a pretty crazy day. I began to shift to the new department today. It was sad to leave some of my old coworkers behind and I think some of them were unhappy to see me leave. It was nice to meet my new groups and I'm excited about my new position but there will be more work involved of course. I'm planning on just taking it easy this weekend and kind of preparing for Monday. I had a headache a throughout the day, which could probably be attributed to the stress of the day. Felt fairly sharp at least in terms of interpersonal / work related activities today. And then after work I had a burst of energy and stayed late and got some things done to prepare for Monday. So, I could attribute my increased productivity to the fact that I have not been eating carbohydrates, but it could also just be that I don't have much of that choice. Usually I procrastinate until I have no choice but to start getting ready and I guess I'm at that point now. I guess the difference is it's not my fault I just didn't find out what's going on until the last minute. So at the very least I'm doing things in the last minute but I don't feel guilty you're angry with myself and I know I'm just doing the best I can and things will work out fine in the end anyway. I'm also hoping I can ramp up this voice recognition software and use it to help in my new position.

Come to think of it, I did eat carbs today. The tater tots and peas. Fuck.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 165 Thursday September 20


Fasting in the AM

Grass fed beef no condiments
Bacon and eggs

CAFFEINE : lots of coffee in the morning
SLEEP: nine hours

Today was an OK day I suppose. I had more problems with procrastination in the morning and was feeling angry with myself as the result. As the day went on I was given more information about the changes that will take place at work regarding my department change. So, I said goodbye to a few people, and will say goodbye to more people tomorrow at work. I'm starting to realize that this change is really going to happen and it's happening tomorrow. Or at least I will meet my new department tomorrow. Some of them I already know and they will be surprised to see me there. It's also starting to sink in that in the long run this change will probably be for the better although the way it's taking place is pretty messed up. As the day went on I became more positive because at least now I know what's going to happen and can start preparing. I hope I can take the bull by the horns and be proactive about this change and make it work well, or as well as can be expected.

As I mentioned before, learning more about how ketones affect the brain has been very interesting to me. It encourages me to become more strict about my diet. Especially after seeing how fasting boosts my mood.

Well, I had better get to sleep now. If I go to sleep right now, that will give me nine hours.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - Some try ultra-fat diet to combat medical conditions - Some try ultra-fat diet to combat medical conditions

For a month that tested her determination, Marilyn Deaton dined on little but fat. The recipes she prepared included eggs baked with gobs of cream cheese, small portions of fish outweighed by butter, oil and mayo, and ground beef mixed with so much heavy cream that it ran a light brown.

"I can't stand things that are soft and slimy," says Deaton, 60, of New York. She missed "crunchable stuff," such as carrots, she says.

Deaton has Parkinson's disease. The disagreeable diet was an experimental treatment prescribed by her doctors. Four other Parkinson's patients followed the same menu.

The results, which included modest improvements in balance, tremors and mood, were encouraging but too preliminary to prove an effect, says Theodore VanItallie of St. Luke?s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York. VanItallie and his colleagues published their findings last year in the journal Neurology.

Their trial and other recent studies hint that a diet nearly devoid of protein and carbohydrates might temper symptoms of several neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's and Lou Gehrig's disease, VanItallie says.

Researchers suspect that such a high-fat diet also could stall brain tumors and help patients with certain other health problems — if it doesn't cause strokes along the way.

Though such a solution may sound far-fetched, a similar diet has been used since the 1920s to treat severe epilepsy. Numerous studies, most of them in children who had exhausted other options, have since found that it reduces seizures.

There's scant clinical evidence to address whether the plan, called the ketogenic diet, has wider therapeutic promise. Researchers aren't sure how it works against epilepsy, and they hold various theories about why it might, or might not, help in other disorders.

Some of the benefits result from a shift in the brain's metabolism from blood sugar, the body's main fuel, to ketone bodies, a secondary energy source that is a byproduct of fat metabolism, says Richard Veech, a physician and biochemist with the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

But, Veech says, "while VanItallie has shown that (the ketogenic diet) works, as a practical matter, one can't recommend it."

The obvious downside

Consequences of high fat intake, heart problems for one, could offset the diet's hypothetical benefits in some people, Veech says. In any case, the daunting challenge of maintaining the unpalatable regimen makes it unlikely to catch on.

"Most people would have a very hard time following this diet," says Cathy Non-as, the dietitian at North General Hospital in New York who designed Deaton's plan. The plan requires that 90% of the patients' calories come from fat and just 8% from protein. In the average American diet, fat makes up 33% of calories, and protein accounts for 15%.

When a person fasts or subsists mainly on fat, blood sugar declines. The liver responds by converting fatty acids into ketone bodies, which normally circulate in the blood at low levels, rising as time passes since a person's most recent meal, when glucose is abundant.

Popular low-carb diets, such as Atkins, may generate some ketone bodies, but not necessarily enough to have a therapeutic benefit, VanItallie says.

Ketone bodies can accumulate to dangerous levels, in diabetics, for example, and turn the blood acidic. But moderately elevated levels are theoretically beneficial in a range of circumstances, Veech says.

Lab studies and a few desperate medical cases lend some support to that notion. For example, when added to intravenous resuscitation fluids in place of a typical ingredient, ketone bodies also reduce organ damage after major blood loss, says hematologist C. Robert Valeri of the Naval Blood Research Laboratory in Plymouth, Mass. He and his colleagues demonstrated that in pigs.

Other teams have shown that the molecules protect mice against neurological changes linked to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Last month, researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York reported similar findings for Lou Gehrig's disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Giulio Pasinetti of Mount Sinai says his team is launching a trial to treat patients with the disease.

In an older report, a ketogenic diet appeared to slow tumor growth in two children with inoperable brain cancer. Neurobiologist Thomas Seyfried of Boston College later demonstrated the effectiveness of that approach in mice.

Most brain tumor cells, Seyfried says, "can't burn ketones for energy," so elevating ketone levels and simultaneously reducing blood sugar may starve the tumors while nourishing healthy cells.

A 'lite' version

VanItallie and Non-as are gearing up for a new Parkinson's trial that will test a hybrid of the 90%-fat regimen and the Atkins diet. They've invited their former volunteers to participate.

Deaton says her Parkinson's symptoms improved during the original trial, which was conducted in 2003. And losing 26 pounds was a bonus, she says. But even with a more lenient menu on the table, she doesn't plan on signing up again.

Day 164 Wednesday September 19


Bacon and eggs for breakfast

Liver for lunch
Also a small bit of rice and corn

Fasting in the PM

CAFFEINE: coffee, lots
SLEEP: 6 hours?

Well, today was an OK day in the end, I suppose. During the day I was a little frustrated and I've been procrastinating with things at work and the haven't been very productive. I've been putting off doing some things at work for a while and then I tried being a little more productive and had some setbacks today and was feeling frustrated. Then I started to have some more successes and I guess I just started feeling more confident. Also I didn't eat much junk today and continued fasting in the afternoon and it seems to improve my mood as I've noticed before. I also read some interesting things today about ketones and low carb diets in Alzheimer's disease. Apparently diet is a large risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. So much so that some have actually referred to Alzheimer's as type three diabetes. Ketones apparently are the brain's preferred source of fuel and brain runs better with ketones. I've read a number of different things that seem to support this, and it ties in with some of the things I've been thinking about in terms of low carb being a good thing for the brain, and for brain health in general. I am also bought that sense high carbohydrate diets caused insulin resistance, in which the body can't use insulin and glucose properly, perhaps something similar happens with the brain. So then that the brain that cannot get the glucose it needs, or uses it inefficiently. Ketones are a back door source of fuel, one which the brain actually prefers to use. Low carbohydrate diets, or ketogenic diets, have been used with some success to fight cancers, brain cancers, parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.

One other thing that I started to think more about is my use of diet soda. I've read some negative things about aspartame, and I'm not sure what to believe. However, I have read some indications that artificial sweeteners cause the same kind of carbohydrate craving that real sweeteners do. This seems to make sense to me, because on days where I'm eating more carbohydrates, I also ended up drinking more diet sodas. I'm not sure which is causing more of my cravings for more carbohydrates, the carbs themselves or the diet sodas, but I have a feeling that both are doing so. I definitely feel some kind of craving for diet pop, and I need to be more diligent about avoiding it.

All the crazy things happening at work are pretty frustrating to me but over time I guess I'm getting a little bit more of sense of perspective about it. I really think in the end it could be a very good thing for me to make the changes that they have been making, but it's going to be difficult in the short run

Also in a side note, for anyone who reads this, and I'm not sure that anyone does, I'm composing this entry with speech recognition software period so if during the crazy mistakes it's not my fault!

Also, i've been getting a little bit better about getting enough sleep. I've been getting almost 10 hours of sleep a night but last night only six. So it was a little hard are getting up this morning but not too bad because most days I do get enough sleep. Well, with that I guess I should finish up this entry and get to sleep myself now. Good night!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day 163, Tuesday September 18


fasting in the AM

Grass fed beef with some ketchup

10 chicken nuggets from McDonald's with barbecue sauce
Double hamburger from McDonald's with no bun
No diet pop with this meal, only water

CAFFEINE: coffee

Today I guess I was in a pretty bad mood. I really didn't get much done at work today, I was procrastinating all day, I don't know what's going to happen at work, so why should I do anything. Then, when I got home from work that I was feeling very low energy. I made a few phone calls, even though I didn't really feel like talking to anyone. But, then I finally dragged myself out of the house and went to an ADD meeting. And that ended up being OK, I guess. One guy was talking my ear off though, and that was kind of a bummer. I realize the problem I was having at work wasn't because I didn't know what do, it was just that I was too lazy to do it. I guess one thing that cheered me up a little is that I've discovered some ways to improve my mood. So exercise, sunlight, sufficient sleep, and low carbs are all things which improve my mood. I just need to remember to do these things. Although good physical how is obviously very important, improving my mood and my brain health are even more important.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 162 Monday September 17


no breakfast
2 large coffees

lunch- meatloaf
some mashed potatoes

a little GF beef with catsup
GF stew
diet pop

SLEEP: 10 hours
SUN: a TON yesterday

In a bad mood today. Had a long day yesterday, but got a good 10 hours of sleep. Woke up okay today. One cat puked, and that always worries me and puts me in a bad mood. Then I talked to boss at work today. Still tons of confusion about what's going on right now. Then I had no motivation today to work on anything because everything might get changed up anyway. I started mentally spinning worst case scenarios about what could happen at work, and convinced myself that I would end up in the worst situation. I saw a good presentation about working memory and nutrient therapy on Saturday, but now I've convinced myself that none of it can help me. Need to keep updating this every day so I can try to pinpoint what's going on that spins me into these bad moods. No energy or motivation, not super down really. Just frustrated.

Guess the thing that's different is all the carbs I've had recently. Sesame chicken, pizza, fries, RC's, cookies, meatloaf. All the sun I had yesterday did a number on me too. Also, not getting enough sleep the last 3 weeks because I'm busier at work. And the work stuff has stressed me out big time.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day 161 Sunday September 16

bacon and eggs
steak and cheese bagel, NO BREAD

20 mcdonalds chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce
side salad

1/2 fried chicken
some fries
another RC
cole slaw


Erasing the gains I've made with sugary pop, sesame chicken, and fast food.
Helping a friend out today. I should at least stay tight during the week when I don't have the peer pressure. Maybe I need to simplify things again. Just go grassfed for a month to get back to my roots. This battle is never ending. I will continue to struggle with temptations and lapses, but I can never quit, because misery awaits if I do. And then I'll just come back. Because the key is, at least now I know ho to do it. Before I didn't. I have the info on paleo and low carb.

In an okay mood I guess. Way too much sun- out all day. feel sunsickness. Sleepy, headache, wiped out. Go to bed at 8- I'm beat. And Beet!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Day 160 Saturday September 15


no fasting

bacon and eggs

chocolate chip cookie

5 chicken tenders with BBQ sauce at popeyes

sesame chicken AGAIN!
diet pop


Okay mood. Went to ADD conference. Interesting. Had date, which was okay. I don't really like this girl's appearance. Feel guilty because I'm not a lightweight myself. Double standard. Then I feel angry at myself, because I know if I wasn't so picky I'd have a girlfriend and sex. Feel guilty over double standard, and depressed that this is "all I can get", when actually it's that I'm just not really trying. So I get down and take a few months off dating again. Sometimes a few months between dates. Really productive here. Soothing my discomfort with carbs.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Day 159 Friday September 14

fast in AM

sesame chicken
grassfed stew
diet pop



What made me eat the pizza and pop? Hanging with buddy who's a bad influence on me. I ate before I left so I wouldn't be hungry. Guess I felt bad making friend eat pizza alone. Also craving it, prob because of the rice and sweet seasame chicken I've been eating lately.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Day 158 Thursday September 13

breakfast: Sesame chicken, a few cups, with a little rice

1 pc chicken and a little rice for lunch

Fast in PM

CAFFEINE: coffee
SLEEP: 10 hours

Felt less wired and juiced then yesterday. But good, placid, and productive at work. A coworkder told me I seemed pissed off. I was venting a little about the chaos at work, which is a legit gripe, but I think the lack of sleep, tons of coffee and the addition of the phentermine AND the fasting made me a little wired yesterday. Drumming my fingers and humming. Strange for me. Strange to me that fasting seems to energize me. I'm still getting used to this. What a surprise.

Hung around a little after work doing stuff. Okay day. More sleep is good, without a doubt. Much easier getting up in the morning. Also feel more sociable at work. Then tonight I emailed this girl back who emailed me first. Told her to call me and she did. Set up a date for this Saturday. She sounds pretty cool. Sent an email to another girl tonight as well. I've been getting motivate to get back into the dating scene. Watching inspirational videos as well. (NOT pornos, just pep talks for dating I guess you could say) I'm in a good space right now. Weight is dropping with the fasting, even though my diet has not been great. If I could tighten that up, AND get back into exercising and tanning, wow.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 157 September 12 Wednesday


Fast in AM

mongolian beef
some rice

SLEEP: 6 hours
KETONES: moderate

Started fast yesterday at noon. I find such a boost from the 24 hour fast! It's really unexpected. Focused at work, talking to women at work and feeling good. Wired.
Well, I also took a phentermine capsule this morning. It's a stimulant I used to pair with effexor for weight loss, when I saw a doc for weight loss. Effexor makes me feel a little dreamy and weird. I drank a ton of coffee, with the phentermine and no food, I was a bundle of energy. Felt good actually. It's 8:30 and I'm going to bed. Need to get back to sleeping more, getting sun( tanning now that season is changing, but I"m broke), and visiting health club. Can't let work overwhelm me. Need to set a schedule to leave and arrive and keep to it. Need to carve out time for sun, weights and sleep and keep to that. Then the rest of the time is leisure and chores. Probably should block that out too? I wonder about getting to picky and then things don't fit. But I keep having this idea of planning with broad strokes. Like 6-7 get ready/ 7-4 is work, 4-5 is exercise. 5-6 is chores 6-8 is eat and relax. Sounds simple, but I'm sure I could make it too complicated. So don't then, Frank! Ok, I'm going to bed! Start with one of my goals at least.

Also, the intermittent fasting sure drops the weight.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ketones from burning fat as fuel might help fight various diseases ::Pearson Prentice Hall - Science News

Pearson Prentice Hall - Science News

Ben Harder

In times of plenty, both the mind and the body thrive. But deprived of basic sustenance, the mind perishes before the body does. That's not New Age philosophy; it's basic metabolic chemistry. While most of the body manages food shortages with relative ease, the tissues of the brain are vulnerable during periods of scarcity. So when blood sugar dips, the brain must fall back on special biochemistry to meet its energy needs. From studying that metabolic back-up system, a coterie of scientists has drawn inspiration that could lead to a new treatment for conditions as diverse as epilepsy, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and heart failure.

Most of the time, the body makes its fundamental fuel, glucose, from ingested carbohydrates. With each meal, the bloodstream gets replenished with glucose to replace the blood sugar that hungry cells have consumed to satisfy their metabolic needs. The body can't store glucose well, yet cells must be fed continually. So the body puts away extra energy in the form of fat, which it can break down into energy-supplying fatty acids when needed. A starving animal or a person with normal fat stores can thus sustain most of the body's cells for weeks or months without eating.

But brain cells, even hungry ones, can't avail themselves of these emergency stores. A physiological barrier that blocks toxins in the bloodstream so they can't enter the delicate brain also keeps out fat and fatty acids. As a consequence, when glucose in the blood runs low, brain cells can run into trouble.

People are uniquely vulnerable to such glucose starvation because of their disproportionate braininess. Although the brain makes up about 2 percent of a normal adult's weight, it commands roughly 20 percent of the body's resting metabolic budget.

A condition found only in people and a few ruminants can protect against this Achilles' heel. The state, known to followers of the popular Atkins diet, is called ketosis. When blood-glucose concentrations get low, the liver converts a portion of fatty acids into acids called ketone bodies or ketones. These substances can substitute for glucose and fatty acids as cellular fuel. However, unlike fatty acids, ketones can penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

While ketosis may guard the brain in times of starvation, Richard L. Veech has additional applications in mind. Veech, who works at the National Institutes of Health in Rockville, Md., argues that ketones might be therapeutic any time cells are threatened by energy deprivation. Such threats could arise both from a lack of fuels and from cells' failure to properly metabolize the fuels at their disposal. The latter category covers a broad array of diseases.

Veech and others have been suggesting for several years that ketosis could help treat, among other conditions, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, certain insulin disorders such as type 1 diabetes, and several metabolic disorders caused by rare mutations.

"These diseases appear wildly different," Veech says. Treating "all these different things with some magic substance sounds improbable," he adds. Yet across a wide range of specialties, doctors who've dabbled with ketone-based therapies are warming to that seemingly outlandish idea, and a vanguard of research on ketone therapies is appearing in scientific journals. At NIH earlier this fall, Veech hosted a gathering of researchers who have studied ketones.

Day 156 Tuesday September 11

bacon and eggs in AM

green beans
some rice

Fast in AM


CAFFEINE: coffee
SLEEP: 8 hrs. need more
SUN: no

Apart from headache after work feel decent. Stressfull day at work. My world at work has totally changed. After 5 years I go to a totally different department. I wanted to go there years ago, but now I'm used to where I'm at. It's easy for me, and I have it down to a routine. Now I'm starting all over. Terrible timing, but probably better in the long run? Can't let it overwhelm me!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 155 Monday September 10

fast in AM

grassfed beef


Some diarrhea after dinner. I wonder. When I first started Atkins I had diarrhea. I figured out it was the bacon grease and so I dry all my bacon. I've been using some bacon grease to cook in my new stainless non stick pan. I also recently stopped using my nitrate free bacon and went back to my old brand, maple syrup flavored just cause that's all the store had. Did the grease or the maple cause it?

Somewhat productive at work. Using thinkingrock, and it rocks! New systems motivate me, but beyond that it's really awesome. I'm starting to think that the intermittent fasting is a mood booster for me. started reading more about glucose in the brain. Seems like they are finding that insulin does affect brain's ability to get glucose. So insulin resistance could conceivably affect the brain. Also, ketones appear to be a good brain fuel. Seems like going ketogenic could be good for the ADD brain. It helps parkinson's, and that's a low dopamine condition like ADD. Extreme ADD, very extreme, but related in that one respect at least, the dopamine. Hmmmm... I find myself in less of a hurry to go off the fast. Need to stay sugar free- I'm slipping. like the tortillas I had sunday.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

SpringerLink -Cognitive functioning is susceptible to the level of blood glucose

Cognitive functioning is susceptible to the level of blood glucose

SpringerLink - Journal Article


Rationale: It is traditionally assumed that under normal conditions the brain is well supplied with glucose, its basic fuel. However, given the limited stores of glucose in the brain and its dependence on a continual peripheral supply of glucose, it was considered whether the availability of glucose, and the ability to efficiently utilise glucose, affects cognitive functioning. Objective: There is increasing evidence that the provision of blood glucose influences memory. To date, the impact of blood glucose on non-memory task performance has received little attention. The present study investigated whether the performance of non-memory tasks was susceptible to the level of blood glucose. Two studies are reported in which the influence of a glucose containing drink on six cognitive tests was considered. Results: The consumption of a glucose containing drink resulted in faster performance on the Porteus Maze and greater Verbal Fluency. Higher levels of blood glucose on arrival at the laboratory were associated with better performance on the Water Jars test. With both the Porteus Maze and Block Design tests, after taking a glucose drink, poor performance was associated with blood glucose that remained at higher levels. Conclusion: It was suggested that we should consider two physiological mechanisms, firstly, that an equilibrium develops between plasma and brain glucose, such that those with higher levels of blood glucose could be expected to have higher levels of brain glucose and secondly, whether there are individual differences in the efficiency with which glucose is taken from the blood; those with poor glucose control perform some cognitive tasks more poorly.

Day 154 Sunday September 9

fast in AM

bacon and eggs

2 tacos with tortilla

CAFFEINE: lots of coffee
SLEEP: only 6 hours?
SUN: no

Shitty day. Surprised I'm not in a worse mood. Long story, I stopped hanging out with this guy because he's an asshole. So did most of my friends. But today, he invited everyone over to watch football, and everyone went. So I went too, against my better judgement. This guy was a total sloppy drunk dick, and seemed to say something rude to every one of my friends. But they just laugh it off and seemed to enjoy it. It was surreal to see it. I guess I used to be one of them, but come on. We stopped hanging out with this dude. Nothing's changed. There's no fucking way I'm going back over there, and if I watch football my myself the rest of the season so be it. The worst part of it is that this guy has been single as long as I have (divorced one year), and he's out getting girls online. I hate myself. And I know this guy isn't more appealing than me or anything. But he's pushy and in your face, and I'm nice and disengaged. I know that lots of women find me attractive, but I can't decide what to do about it and push myself to do something. Because I have not motivation, I'm afraid of rejection, and I don't know what to do. I used to think I was unlikeable, at least to women. Now I know that's not true- it's my own fault that I don't have success with women. I don't know which is worse to believe. To know that you're your own worst enemy. At least I could play the martyr before. Now what do I have. And this dick totally rubbing in my face that he's getting action. Thank god he's such a miserable pathetic piece of human trash, or I'd envy him. I wouldn't trade places with him for anything, but it just makes it obvious that even this doofus can figure this shit out.

Trying to find stuff online about insulin resistance and glucose in the brain. The brain is a glucose hog. Luckily our bodies can turn fat and protein into glucose, gluceoneogenesis (sp?). But, if a high carb diet, and inflammation, and lack of vitamin D, obesity and whatever else, can cause insulin resistance, the muscles can't get the glucose they need. I would imagine the brain is the same way. Less glucose could affect the brain's function, making it sluggish and disrupting executive dysfunction. That's my theory at least, and I've seen a few things to back it up.

In other news, fasting is great, not drinking or smoking is cool too. Easier than I thought, although I do worry that it isolates me even more socially. My one friend, who went through AA and MA but started again, tries to guilt trip me on this. You used to be so cool. Funny, I didn't feel cool and connected when I got high or drank. I felt like I was sloppy and overbearing with alcohol, and weed made me paranoid, even more antisocial, unmotivated and scatter brained.

Also, I noticed that when I eat carbs, I get a headache sometimes.

I feel like I'm getting taller. I think I'm just standing up straiter. Is it the weight loss, or the Vitamin D? I measured myself and I didn't really grow though, lol!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Day 153 Saturday September 8


3 oz roast beef
4 oz line caught tuna

5 popeyes chicken nuggets, with bbq sauce
cajun rice
cole slaw
diet coke

CAFFEINE: lots coffee
SLEEP: 7-8 hours
SUN: 30 min at noon

Got up, got sun, did lots of errands. Working with thinkingrock program and it kicks ass. Once the novelty wears off I hope it still helps me stay productive. Feeling a little overwhelmed at work recently. Feeling rising confidence with dating, still super far off. But starting to think about getting back in the game. In a decent mood today- more energy. I actually like the intermittent fasting. Feel like my head is clearer. Which makes me think that I would be like that all the time except for the rice and bbq sauce and other shit I keep eating. I need to get back to basics. Which means cooking my own meals at home. The last few times I made ground beef I put a little broccoli in it. That was good. I go up and down in mood quite rapidly.

Haven't walked or used health club in quite a while. I've changed my routine lately, and I'm not good at set shifting. Need to start new habits now, with my new schedule. Exercise, eating, sun/tanning, sleep. I finally smashed through the 260 barrier. Hope the next ten are easier. Lots of compliments at work on my appearance. But of course I discout all of it. I may look much better, but I know I'm such an antisocial lame ass I won't be able to capitalize on it anyway. I see guys who don't look like anything with hot chicks. I may not know much, but I know THAT's not the big key. It's confidence and taking charge. Too bad I suck at that. :( No, the health stuff I do for ME. What I want is oddly enough mental health first, and physical health second. Guess I should focuse even more on exercise, eating, sun and sleep if I want to heal my brain. I want to be more ambitious, alert, focused, happy, and confident. I want to stop spinning my wheels and set goals and achieve them. I want this thinkingrock program to help me with this.

I actually thought today I had better get back into blogging, because I was in such a good mood, I thought I need to record this and try to figure out what I'm doing that is causing this. I think it's the Intermittent fasting, really. Not what I would have expected. I find myself ravenous when I do eat, but I've realized it's about half mental. If I calm myself, I dont' feel super hungry or dying to break the fast. It's definately an interesting experience.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Day 152 Thursday september 7

bacon eggs coffee

chicken nuggets
big cookie
mac and cheese side

grassfed beef
a few broccoli pieces

fast in PM

SLEEP: 7-8 hours? not sleeping as much, and I FEEL it. 8 hours is NOT ENOUGH FOR ME!
SUN: no

hang out at home at night. working with thinking rock program. surfing the web. Thinking more about dating recently. buy some new clothes. My waist is down from 58" to 48"

Sleep time is drifting later each day. Feeling tired with only 8 hours sleep. This is interesting. Reading the book "women with ADD", and looking at the BAAD scale from thomas e, low arousal, really a sleepy brain, is associated with inattentive ADD. Procrastination, no energy, lack of focus, etc. I know that sleep deprivation is associated with an antidepressant effect. Maybe that only works in the short term, and then you burn out? I know also that sleep apnea is associated with ADD. Not sure if ADD causes cravings for drugs and glucose, which makes you fat and then you can't sleep. Or if diabetes causes less glucose to get to the brain.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day 151 Thursday September 6


fast in AM

grassfed beef
diet pop
hot sauce and peanut sauce on beef now when I make it



Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day 150 Wednesday September 5

bacon and eggs

lunch-stuffed pepper, rice ground beef inside

bourbon chicken

Fast in the PM

CAFFEINE: coffee
SLEEP: 7 hours?


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Day 149 Tuesday September 4



fast in AM

sesame chicken
teriyaki beef

grassfed beef with catsup
diet coke



busy at work again. And I start with all this carbohydrate bullshit

Monday, September 3, 2007

Day 148 Monday September 3

bacon and eggs

grassfed beef with peanut sauce coffee



Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 147 Sunday 9/2/07

Fast in AM

bacon and eggs
grassfed beef
peanut sauc on beef

cheese sticks

10 chicken nuggests/ bbq
diet coke
dbl cheeseburger no bun



Saturday, September 1, 2007

Day 146 Saturday September 1

bacon and eggs
line caught tuna

popeyes chicken nuggets with bbq sauce
diet pop

FASTING: in the PM