Friday, April 13, 2007

Day 5 April 13 Friday


5 pieces nitrate free bacon
4 omega 3 eggs

chicken strips from popeyes (breaded, but I did pass on the BBQ sauce at least)
diet coke

pre cooked cornish hen from supermarket
diet coke
~10 blueberries


WEIGHT: 309, up from 308

BLOOD SUGAR: 118, same as day before

Ok day at worked. I chatted up this girl I'm interested in, so I was feeling less unmotivated and negative I guess. took a nap when I got home, and watched a movie. Ran a few errands after work. Slightly productive at work. Bought a few things online today, so feeling a little impulsive I guess.
Very mild stomach upset. Mixed BM, which made me feel better.

Decent, some rough patches, but kept my head up. Found out that this girl I wanted to go out with before has a boyfriend now. A little bugged by that, but not in the dumps. Feeling on an even keel lately. Had fun talking to girl at work. She might be too young (or too peppy) for me, but I'm def. interested. Not sure what to do next, since I work with her. Not sure if I just use that as an excuse to not go after girls I like at work. We're not in the same department.

Went to bed at 11:30, even thtough I took a nap earliier. Nap didn't go on all night, and I wasn't up 'til 4AM like I usually would. Woke up next day without alarm at 9AM. So I wasn't caught up in crazy sleep patterns. Feeling less alert than the last few days, but more than normal.

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