Monday, April 9, 2007

DAY 1: April 9 Monday :: A start of sorts

4 omega 3 eggs
5 pieces bacon


~1 lb grassfed ground beef

1 bowl chili with beans and some noodles

EXERCISE: walk ~45 min.

WEIGHT: 318, had been 315, 317, 312, 315 this month.

november- started 338 down to 320 by end of month doing low carb
december - started 320 down to 307 by end of month doing low carb
january - started 305 UP to 312, falling off low carb wagon
february - 313 all month
march - 312 to 309, not very low carb, just flat
april start 315

Well, I decided to start today. Did okay. I have decided to go total meat for a week or so to kickstart the thing, and purge my system of carbs first. Then go paleo. Get to ketosis faster that way.

The chili was my only mistake of the day. Not a biggie. I'm not doing this to beat myself up. I'm actually seeing a therapist about food and I've gone far away from guilty eating, or hating myself for being hungry or overweight or anything like that. No food if forbidden. But gosh darnit if carbs don't have an addictive quality I think is more than coincidental. So for the first day, I felt pretty good.

My mood was good today. Slow waking up, only slightly produtive at work, but things went fine. No big cravings, except a little causing me to eat the chile. It was total meat chili with ~4 lbs of meat and one can of beefaroni and two cans of chile with beans mixed in with onions, peppers and tomatoes in crock pot. I hate wasting food! I've been feeling up and down the last 6 days or so. A bit of a funk that I came out of. Walking, even a little, makes a big difference. I did a little walking today as well. Now I'm going to watch a movie and try to get to bed earlier. I need to remember to use my bright light tomorrow morning, to set my circadian clock.

I also want to start lifting weights. I figure I won't push myself with exercise for a few days. I may have some carb withdrawal, or chaos at work. I also need to gird myself to hang with my buddy wed and not drink beer or eat non meat stuff. I also plan to kick the coffee habit. I want to do this whole hog. I have read SO MUCH stuff on grains, and autoimmune diseases, relating to autism and ADD and a ton of other things. (narcolepsy, MS, etc- which I'm genetically predisposed to). I am tired of reading and want to just try it, for real.

I have the HLA DQB1 0602 and 0301 genes, which protect from IDDM childhood diabetes, but predispose to narcolepsy, MS, gastric cancer and other stuff. Grains activate the autoimmune system and can play a part in many autoimmune disorders. Celiac was the clue that opened my eyes to this, and I got the gene test. I'm actually more adapted for grains than some other people. I have the gene developed by the LBK people, the first farmers and animal husbanders of Europe, 5,000 BC. This is the HLA DQB1*0301 DQ7 gene, and it protects against celiac. But Dr Fine of Enterolab in his email to me said the only true resistance is DQ4 or something like that, because they were never in contact with grains. Sounds fishy to me, like he wants to diagnose everyone as celiac, since he tests for that. If you are raising grain the longest, like the LBK people (wikipedia), you should be the most immune to it, I think. But even so it could take a very long time to acquire immunity to the toxins and antinutrients in grain, and while you avoid celiac, perhaps second and third tier autoimmune illnesses present themselves. For instance MS or NIDDM type 2 diabetes.

I also read that ADD and diabetics are short on zinc and magnesium. I read a bunch of stuff looking for a link. Well, the link, I think, is Phytic acid. Phytic acid in grains binds to minerals and neutralizes them, causing deficiencies. This seems pretty accepted reading agricultural and scientific journals, even though it's a truly amazing fact, and another strike against grain. Yet vegetarians eat phytic acid as a health food! I'm going with the "grains and phytic acid are very bad" school of thought myself.

Still no blood test. I should schedule that for Thursday, before I get too far into this eating experiment. Maybe get ketosix also?

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