Sunday, July 8, 2007

Day 91 Sunday July 8


mcdonalds breaded chicken tenders, with bbq sauce
Didn't have bacon at home- nothing to eat and I was in a hurry to meet a friend. Need to stay prepared, because the fast food options are all pretty bad. Or have a salad and a burger patty, instead of breaded stuff with a sweet sauce.

burrito and taco- no tortillas. I find it fascinating how eating this meal makes me feel full, but in the old days when I ate carbs it wouldn't have, even with rice and beans.

EXERCISE: none- stayed out of sun a little bit too, feeling warmth in my skin- don't want to burn.


Speaking of rice and beans, when I was in my early 20's I went vegetarian for two years. My grandmother died of diabetes, and I decided that the way to prevent myself from getting diabetes was to give up meat. I ate huge plates of rice and beans, and was always hungry for more. I dug out some old weight data, and pieced it together, and realized that going vegetarian really kicked off my weight gain. I think I gained 40 pounds over those two years. I'll put this old data in a post, it's very interesting.

In an okay mood. Think my mood overall has improved since I started doing this. No improvement with the sleep cycles though.

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